Advantage 3 Provide innovative processes
Advantage 3 Provide innovative processes
Chain-Ray has more than 200 suppliers and works with factories around the world.
That means we have a tremendous breadth and depth of capabilities within mechanical engineering! Every factory has its strong or weak points depending on their investment in equipment, hardware, devices, and overall competences. There is no single factory that can fill the complete needs of a customer. That’s why we have hundreds of factories, tens of thousands of materials, and numerous manufacturing methods at your disposal. It all adds up to the production of the ideal product, and in the long run, can positively affect your company’s competitive strength.
With our large network, material database, and team of elite mechanical engineering professionals, our customers are sure to get their desired products. In fact, 80% of our customers come from referrals, and our customers have an incredibly high satisfaction rate.
Case Study: How many manufacturers do you have to contact to successfully build a 0.3mm antenna transceiver component?
I'm sure you've experienced a time when you were looking forward to launching an innovative product but had to change the design because the manufacturer couldn't build it; but there are tens of thousands of manufacturers around the world. In one case, a customer wanted to create a 0.3mm thick die-cast antenna part, which was a process challenge. So, we sifted through more than 200 suppliers and manufacturers, and finally picked two experienced manufacturers with outstanding reputation and quality to negotiate with. Supplier A repeatedly emphasized that unless the design was changed to 0.8mm or more, it could not be manufactured; while Supplier B said that as long as it was 0.5mm, he could do it! It was found that the equipment of the two companies was different. It is evident that as long as the resources of the machine parts are wide and deep, the chance of realizing the ideal products for customers can be greatly increased.