The Green Project - Mount Guanyin Clean Up
The Green Project - Mount Guanyin Clean Up
What comes to mind when you think of mountain forests? You probably think about yourself getting fresh air, listening to the pleasant chirping of insects or birds, and being surrounded by phytoncides. However, with the rise of land development, industrialization, and large scale hiking activities in recent years, all we can see are cigarette butts, plastics bags, and even piles of garbage instead of the clean natural scenery. In order to recover the appearance for the surroundings, we must protect the environment from negative impacts caused by humans.
Chain-Ray held the Green Project – Mount Guanyin Clean Up on March 26th, 2022. Not only our members participated this meaningful activity, but also their families and friends took part in this clean up to help save our mountain forests. Despite the bad weather, we still picked up all the garbage and waste wherever we went and carried the trash all the way back to the gathering place. We are proud to say that we collected an astounding 101.6 kilograms of trash within an hour!
Although we encountered extremely strong winds and heavy rains during the clean up, it still did not put a damper on our passion and enthusiasm for saving the environment. Aside from getting exercise from hiking, we also gained a sense of how to protect and preserve the environment. Our contributions not only give people the opportunity to enjoy much cleaner and more beautiful hiking places, but also created a better and more incredible environment for nature!