+886-3-3583268 Taiwan@chain-ray.com

Genexis’ 20-year-anniversary on the 22nd of November, 2022.

It was a great honor to have been invited to celebrate Genexis’ 20-year-anniversary   on the 22nd of November, 2022. Here at Chain-Ray, we are grateful for the amazing hospitality that was shown to us at the event. It was incredibly uplifting to hear the reasons why customers choose FiberTwist! For us to hear that it looks great, is easy to be installed, and is a good size to fit anywhere, were some of the things which are related to the mechanical features, was wonderful to say the least!

Genexis’s efforts to obtain total sustainability go beyond what most in the industry do. Their determination to reach these goals of sustainable development have been achieved as a result of the clear plans, such as product design, assembly and logistics, supply chain, and business operations. Genexis leads by example and encourages us as suppliers to join the ranks as leaders in the area of environmental protection. Chain-Ray is proud to have contributed to the “FiberTwist” and the sustainability of Genexis.

We are also excited to help connect people to fiber for many more years. Happy Anniversary,  Genexis!